So in reverse order...
15 Christina Aguilera - Beautiful - not into her at all but there is no denying she has a great voice and this is a brilliant song.
14. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana - When I first heard this on The Omen I just had to know who it was by - perfect.
13. Zero 7 - Home - Scott Mills played this on Radio 1 (many moons ago before I switched to Wogan!) I went straight out and bought the album. The best music for lounging in a bath to. Still sends shivers up my spine.
12. Joan Baez - Donna Donna - My dad used to sing me to sleep when I was very tiny and I remember him singing this song to me. I now sing it to my own children.
11. Queen - the show must go on - the words make me cry every time.
9. Vaughan Williams - lark ascending - I heard this late one night on classic FM and had to sit in my car outside my house until I found out what it was.
8. Red Hot Chili Peppers - By the way - What was on the first time Dom gave me a lift home from the pub. Great album, shocking guitar solos!
7. Alice in Chains - Jar of flies - This album was the soundtrack to my last couple of years at Uni. Still love it.
6. Dolly Parton 9-5 - The beginning of my love affair with Dolly. I had a friend, Alice who I stood next to on a belt at the chocolate factory that I worked at. She used to sing it to pass the time and I knew the song before I had ever heard Dolly sing it. Alice challenged me to find a better "feel good" song and I still haven't found one!
5. Pink Floyd - The wall - Just a work of art. Still get lost in it.
4. Steve Vai - Passion and warfare - Without a shadow of doubt in my mind THE best guitarist in the world, ever.
3. Kate Bush - The Kick inside - My favourite all time female artist and this is her best album.
2 and 1. Marillion - Script for a jesters tear and Fugazi. At the age of about 13 I spent a week copying out the words to these two albums. The words were amazing and complicated and very pretentious. Fish spoke to my soul and I obsessed about this band for several years. I still know all the words and still listen to them regularly. If I could only take one album to an island it would be Script at a push. I never tire of it.
Phew - that was hard. Going for a glass of wine now.
Cool I will do this one for sure because it's something I've been thinking about,the whole dessert island dics thingy :)
I`m pleased there`s no Alice Cooper on there and what you switched to really must be 106 !!
It's hard though because it depends on what mood you're in....and don't badmouth the Wogan!
I can`t believe he`s still going !! I grew up with my dad listening to Wogan in a morning.
Yes music is all about the mood you`re in but some stuff you can play whenever or over and over repeatedly,those are the good ones :)
I think the posh name for this collection is eclectic. Proud of you! I was interested to see the jester on the record sleeve beca\use I am still trying to offload the appliqued T shirt I made you!
Excuse me, Mary-Ann, while I speak to Ruth: Thank you Ruth for your comment on my blog, I tried to e-mail you but the address Mary-Ann used on my computer ages ago is obviously out of date. I've tken photos of the garden as it is today, but can't make the insert function on my posting page work at the moment.
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