So in reverse order...
15 Christina Aguilera - Beautiful - not into her at all but there is no denying she has a great voice and this is a brilliant song.
14. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana - When I first heard this on The Omen I just had to know who it was by - perfect.
13. Zero 7 - Home - Scott Mills played this on Radio 1 (many moons ago before I switched to Wogan!) I went straight out and bought the album. The best music for lounging in a bath to. Still sends shivers up my spine.
12. Joan Baez - Donna Donna - My dad used to sing me to sleep when I was very tiny and I remember him singing this song to me. I now sing it to my own children.
11. Queen - the show must go on - the words make me cry every time.
9. Vaughan Williams - lark ascending - I heard this late one night on classic FM and had to sit in my car outside my house until I found out what it was.
8. Red Hot Chili Peppers - By the way - What was on the first time Dom gave me a lift home from the pub. Great album, shocking guitar solos!
7. Alice in Chains - Jar of flies - This album was the soundtrack to my last couple of years at Uni. Still love it.
6. Dolly Parton 9-5 - The beginning of my love affair with Dolly. I had a friend, Alice who I stood next to on a belt at the chocolate factory that I worked at. She used to sing it to pass the time and I knew the song before I had ever heard Dolly sing it. Alice challenged me to find a better "feel good" song and I still haven't found one!
5. Pink Floyd - The wall - Just a work of art. Still get lost in it.
4. Steve Vai - Passion and warfare - Without a shadow of doubt in my mind THE best guitarist in the world, ever.
3. Kate Bush - The Kick inside - My favourite all time female artist and this is her best album.
2 and 1. Marillion - Script for a jesters tear and Fugazi. At the age of about 13 I spent a week copying out the words to these two albums. The words were amazing and complicated and very pretentious. Fish spoke to my soul and I obsessed about this band for several years. I still know all the words and still listen to them regularly. If I could only take one album to an island it would be Script at a push. I never tire of it.
Phew - that was hard. Going for a glass of wine now.